FAQ - Cosmetic Tattoo
How do I take care of my cosmetic tattoo?
Achieving perfect result relies on how you care for your tattoo post-treatment. Please adhere to the aftercare instructions as closely as possible. Here's what you need to do:
- Avoid sweating for at least 48 hours.
- Keep your tattoo free from water, skincare products, and steam for 7 days.
- Apply the aftercare solution 3-4 times daily.
- Avoid exposing the brow area to UV rays and skincare ingredients such as AHA, glycolic acids, and retinoids, as they can cause early pigment loss or discoloration.
- Immediately after and for next 24 hours continue to gently wipe the area to remove fluid.
- Apply aftercare cream three times a day for the first week then twice a day for the following two weeks until the skin healed and smooth.
- The color will be much brighter than the final colour for 7-8 days. It will then fade & re-appear after 3-6 weeks.
- Avoid spicy foods, lipsticks, hot drinks, red wine, kissing or citrus for 5 days.
- Keep lips moist as your lips will be dry. Do not pull or pick. Let them exfoliate naturally.
How will they look straight after?
Your brows / lips will initially appear darker than their eventual healed color. If you have an upcoming event, it's advisable to schedule your appointment at least 3 weeks prior to ensure they are well healed by then.
Why have they faded?
This is a normal part of the healing process. Initially, you may notice that your tattoo darkens as the pigment oxidizes. Around day five, you can expect the color to begin fading. It's important to trust this process as everything is normal and happening for a reason. This variability in color is why we schedule two sessions to touch up any areas that have faded. Rest assured, your tattoo will continue to change between appointments.
What happens in our appointment, will you explain everything?
You will start by filling out a consultation form, after which I'll guide you to the treatment bed. We'll have a discussion to address any questions or concerns you may have regarding color, healing, and shape. I'll then proceed with a drawing to illustrate the process, Following the procedure, you'll receive detailed aftercare instructions. I understand that undergoing such a procedure can be daunting, as I've been in your shoes before. Rest assured, I'll thoroughly explain everything and prioritize your comfort throughout the process.
Can I get Botox or filler before my brow appointment?
If you are wanting either please get it 2 weeks after your appointment or 4 weeks prior.
How long do they take to heal?
The healing process typically spans around 2 weeks, but it's important to note that individual healing times can vary. While some may heal more quickly, others may require a bit longer.
Can I get a cosmetic tattoo while pregnant or breastfeeding?
It's essential to avoid cosmetic tattooing procedures while pregnant. However, if you're breastfeeding, it may be possible to undergo the procedure if you can pump and discard breast milk for 24 hours afterward. It's crucial to prioritize the safety and well-being of both you and your baby during this time.
Should I get my Brows shaped/tinted before my appointment?
This isn't necessary, However if you plan to, I recommend having your brows done about a week prior to your appointment. This allows any tinting to fade slightly, providing me with a clearer visual to match the color more accurately. I can still work with your brows on the day of your appointment regardless.